The main purpose of the platform is to conduct general cyber security activities and awareness measures within the country according to the established legislation of the Republic of Azerbaijan within the activity of the structures. The security rules of the cyber security platform were compiled based on the articles of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Azerbaijan and approved conventions (Articles 271-273). All the mentioned security rules are implemented to ensure the personal and national security of the platform.

- It is forbidden to carry out other activities outside of educational methods within our academy.
- At our academy, attack methods are not taught, and it is forbidden to engage in propaganda during classes.
- It is forbidden to interfere with the internet resources of the center where our academy is located.
- Purposeful copying of training materials within the Academy is prohibited.
- Lesson materials are organized by us, and it is forbidden to bring any materials from outside.
- Lesson materials are organized by us, and it is forbidden to bring any materials from outside.
– Akademiyazda ödəniş metodlarının aparılmasının təhlükəsizliyinin təmin olunması üçün şəxslərin yaxud tələbələrin kart və yaxud kart bənzəri bank məlumatları alınmamaqdadır.
– Akademiyamızda real heç bir hücum metodu tədris edilməməkdədir. Online tədris üçün də bütün qaydalar keçərlidir.
- No real attack method is taught in our academy. All rules apply to online education.
- Lessons are registered and archived to ensure the safety of online education within our academy.

The Cyber Security Laboratory Cyber Security platform is at the disposal of our youth as an internally established activity structure. In the laboratory, within the set times of the day, the students of the Cyber Security Academy, the students of our partner universities or educational institutions, who are studying in this field, develop themselves.
closed cyber security activities that provide Penetration tests, protection of Network and Web systems, malicious programs and their protection methods are organized here.
NOTE: All the above mentioned activities are performed in accordance with the law, without damaging the dedicated closed network infrastructure and any private property.

The security rules of the cyber security platform were compiled based on the articles of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Azerbaijan and approved conventions (Articles 271-273). By filling out the forms mentioned in each of our online services in the membership form, in the academy or internship registration and in our general structures, you confirm and accept all the security rules.

Prevent cybercrime and malicious attacks into the platform for the purpose of acquisition, he is guided by the articles of the Criminal Code of AR (Articles 271-273).
The Platform is not responsible for all the activities performed inside the laboratory, and for the purposeful illegal use of training methodologies from the external Internet or outside the laboratory.
It is forbidden to contain harmful information in the articles to be shared on the blog or form pages operating in the research center.



raq hüquq mühafizə orqanlarına təhvil veriləcək.

Akademiyamızda ödəniş metodlarının aparılmasının təhlükəsizliyinin təmin olunması üçün şəxslərin yaxud tələbələrin kart və yaxud kart bənzəri bank məlumatları alınmamaqdadır.
- No real attack method is taught in our academy. All rules apply to online education. Any information about online education within the academy, payments by card, orally is not available.

It is forbidden to carry out activities other than educational methods inside our academy. It is forbidden to interfere with the internet resources of the center where our academy is located.
It is important to open the image of connected students during online learning, any sound change is not allowed. Online teaching is conducted only through "Cybermeet" and the use of other alternatives is prohibited.

